
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fight Arm-in-Arm Against Cancer

All my life, I have been quite fortunate to have never experienced losing a loved one to cancer and for that, I thank God. But I have seen (often from a distance) how drained mentally and physically the person becomes once inflicted with news of cancer. And that alone saddens me as I can only imagine how scary it must be to be face with such an obstacle.

A colleague at my previous work place had beaten cancer twice now and the second time she received news that her cancer had returned, she broke it to the team in a very sober moment in the office. She had debated over telling us and it wasn't an easy thing letting people in on your moment of weakness. But this lady was one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. She comforted us upon telling us the news that she won't be coming in for work for several months because of treatment and recovery. She assured us that she has done this dance before and she was confident that she could beat it again.

She did. Because she's amazingly tough.

I lost contact with this former colleague when she moved to the United States but she still comes to mind whenever I am in need of motivation or am in my mental pits. Because nothing else motivates you better than remembering the strength of someone who has faced all odds and survived.

Facing cancer can be scary but if you have a strong support network and positive surroundings then the struggle becomes less lonely. That's what AXA Affin hopes to achieve for cancer patients.

In collaboration with National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM), AXA Affin is working to help cancer patients that are currently undergoing chemotherapy. For every blogger that blogs about their 110CancerCare website and their efforts to help care for cancer patients, one cancer patient gets funding from AXA Affin for their chemotherapy daycare usage. Basically, this blog post just helped one cancer patient get one-day funding for their daycare usage at NCSM Treatment Center! It's not much but if imagine if 10 bloggers were to take part in this campaign and from there 10 more bloggers were to do the same and so on, now that will make a difference!

For more information, log on to

If you are a blogger and would like to do your part in this campaign, please contact Danial at for more details on how you can make a difference to someone's life. 

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