
About Me

Tania is a Malaysian fitness, travel and food blogger who bunny hops a lot across the fine lines of these three genres. Occasionally, she covers an array of lifestyle topics including beauty and fashion. She also can be spotted at the annual anime, manga and gaming events such as Comic Fiesta.

Tania as a foodie
Follow her on Instagram for her daily food sharings. Meal times are important times of the day for her and she enjoys indulging in all sorts of food and cuisine. She loves ice-cream and chocolate and is a ravenous meat eater. However, she has also found a few salad recipes that keeps her coming back for more. When stuffing her face, her motto is Fat, Not Fit.
Get food inspiration with the hashtag: #Feedwee

Tania as a fitness and OCR addict.
Her love of obstacle course racing (OCR) has motivated her to get fit and get in shape. To date, she had taken part in Viper Challenge, Commando Elite Challenge SG, ReebokOne Challenge, Men's Health Urbanathalon, Tough Mudder and Reebok Spartan Race. She is a member of the Malaysian team that first tackled the Spartan Race in Australia and is now a proud member of the 2015 Spartan Race Trifecta Tribe. She trains with the awesome people of Original Bootcamp and participates in runs as a part of her OCR training. Her recent milestone as a runner was finishing the 2016 Kyoto Marathon within the cut off time of 6 hours and brought home a pretty purple medal. Yes, she also joins run based on how pretty the medal is and when in motion, her tagline is Fit, Not Fat.
Follow Tania's OCR adventures with the hashtag: #WeeRace.

Tania as a traveller 
Tania enjoys flying, driving, sailing and even cycling to places. She looks forward to plane food and gets a grand satisfaction from budget planning. She believes Japan is her second nationality and hopes to travel to a different part of Japan every two year, She also travels for OCR and running events and has been to Australia for Tough Mudder and Spartan Race. She hopes to help her fellow travelers and offers tricks and tips though her writing.

Find Tania around the globe with the hashtag: #WeeTravel

About this blog  
Sugoi loosely translates to awesome, cool, amazing or incredible in Japanese. Japanese due to Tania's long-term fixation with the country. Tania aims deliver useful and beneficial information to her readers whether it's for travels, health and fitness, food or just about anything lifestyle under the sun.

Sugoi Days is also a PR and media friendly blog and is open to collaborations. To find out more about her works, click on the collaborations and works page

For reviews, event coverage, advertorials and sponsorships, contact Tania at Allow her 2-3 days to revert to your email. Fret not, she checks her junk mail regularly too because she never leaves any junk in da trunk.

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