Ah the tapering stage.
Many runners hate it, I on the other hand, love it. I love being able to take it easy and eat more, I love that I have a reason to eat more pasta and potatoes. I love that my Sunday runs don't require me to wake up at 4am to training early and that nothing goes beyond 10km.
Except that I fell sick right after my 30km LSD, hence the delay in this post. Body just went into shock and immune system rebooted itself. It started with a sore throat which soon became a fever. It would have turned into a full-blown cold with the sneezes, sniffles and coughs had I not taken preventive measures immediately.
A daily dosage of Beroca, two bottles of water, hot ginger tea with honey, any hot drink with honey, cough mixture and a buck load of Hirux FluAway to keep it from progressing further. To top it off, I slept without fan or aircon in hopes of sweating out the fever. Four days later I recovered, much to my relief.
Being sick when I am supposed to be gradually tapering, not fun. My running sifu, Sunil dragged my lazy ass out for two running sessions during this period. Session 1) Fartleks, Session 2) Kiara long and short sprints. Let's just say we simply reinforced my displeasure of running. Why am I attempting a marathon again? Oh right, Japan.
I was also out of the evening session of Bootcamp for two weeks just so I could rest. My couch was notorious for single-handedly killing us with his workouts. I made the mistake of attending one session before flying out to Japan and despite taking it easy, my legs and body were sore.
Sudden drop in workouts aside, I added more carbs to my diet, opting for small portions for pasta and turned to more fruits for fibre. Even now in Osaka and Kyoto, I am eating protein and carbs in the form of okonomiyaki, sushi, takoyaki and etc etc.
I basically have permission and a reason to nomnomnom. I just love it.
Signing off from Japan.
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